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What is Killing Freedom of the Press?

Bob Keeler spent more than four decades at Newsday, as a reporter, editor and columnist.  He will discuss why the newspaper business is under serious threat.   Since 2005, 2100 newspapers have gone out of business and some major cities have no daily paper at all.  Charges of “fake news” have eroded public confidence in newspapers. Yet important reporting is still being done—reporting that is saving lives and strengthening democracy.

About Bob Keeler:

Bob Keeler spent more than four decades writing for Newsday—as a town and county beat reporter, as Albany bureau chief, as a national correspondent, as editor of the Sunday magazine, as a religion reporter, and as an editorial writer and columnist. He retired from Newsday at the end of 2012 and worked for five years as a consultant to the Hagedorn Foundation. Now he is working on a book about attitudes toward the military: “Sacred Soldier: The Dangers of Worshiping Warriors.”

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