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Archipelago of New York: The Magical Island World of NY

The magical island world of New York
An evening with Sailor, Photographer and Filmmaker Thomas Halaczinsky.

Unbeknownst to many New Yorkers New York like Venice, Hong Kong or Istanbul is an island city.  Spanning from New York Harbor to the East End of Long Island more than 70 islands form an archipelago.   Island cities are unique in many regards, spanning from their socio-political make up to biodiversity.  Climate change and rising sea level are a particular challenge for highly populated islands cities like New York.

Starting in 2012 Thomas explored this island world in a modern-day exploration by sailboat, documented in his 2018  l book “Archipelago New York” published by Schiffer Books.

2021/22 he wrote and directed a three-part documentary series for European Network ARTE by the same title, with the main focus on nature of this island world. Thomas lives full time in Greenport and he is now working on a feature length documentary about Plum Island.

The 90-minute event comprises of stories from his journeys, film clips and an outlook on his new film project about Plum Island.’

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