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Colum McCann: Finding Repair in a Broken World

Presented by the Lifetime Learning Speakers Bureau

Worldwide best selling author Colum McCann will speak on January 3, 2025, at 7:30 pm at the Peconic Landing Auditorium.

Colum is the author of “Let The Great World Spin,” winner of the 2009 National Book Award and voted on the NYTimes Readers List, “100 Best Books of the 21st Century.” His 2020 “Apeirogon” earned immediate international acclaim and many awards, as did his 2013 “Transatlantic” and “American Mother” published in 2024. His newest work “Twist” will be published in March 2025.

A native of Dublin and resident with his family of NYC, McCann was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2017.

His January 3 talk titled, “Finding Repair in A Broken World” is about stories and storytelling as it relates to the global non-profit he co-founded. Narrative 4, which brings young people together from all over the world to “walk in one another’s shoes,” is an effort “to develop a generation of truly empathetic leaders.”

A Q & A will follow and books will be available for sale courtesy of Burton’s Bookstore.

FREE BUT SPACE IS LIMITED. Click here to register.

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